Abdou Moumouni University, 20-23 November 2024, Niamey, Niger
20-23 Nov 2024 Niamey (Niger)


Abstract Submission

1) All papers must be original works that have never been published.
2) Each submission must have at least one author who uses the university address.
3) After the registration deadline, the organizing committee may not accept papers.
4) Following assessment by the scientific committee and two reviewers, each work submitted for the conference is accepted.
5) No submission may be altered or updated without the consent of all of the paper's authors.
6) Papers that aren't registered won't be published.
7) The speaker's name needs to be underlined in the abstract. The speaker might not be the paper's primary author.

8) Before the conference's opening day, all participants should register by paying the applicable portion of the registration cost (for those who are liable for payment).

9) No financial loss resulting from any event is the organizing committee's responsibility.
10) There will be no reimbursement of fees if the author decides to terminate their registration.
11) All research studies that are submitted for publication must not share more than 25% of their content; else, the article won't be taken further for publication.
12) Authors who republish their previously published works will have their publications halted.

Abstracts should be presented in English. Abstracts will be reviewed by scientific committee of the conference and reviewers.

Abstracts can be presented in the following formats:

The Word format: African_Conference_of_Mathematics_and_Applications_Format.docx

The Latex format: African_Conference_of_Mathematics_and_Applications_Format.tex



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